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Is Home Schooling Allowed in the UK: A Complete Guide

is home schooling allowed

Is home schooling allowed in the UK? – Yes! Home schooling, or elective home education, is fully legal in the UK, offering parents the flexibility to educate their children outside of traditional school settings. According to theSection 7 Education Act 1996,parents must ensure their child of compulsory school age receives a full-time education suitable for their age, ability, and any special educational needs. Whether this is fulfilled by attending school or home educating / homeschooling, is at your discretion.

How to De-Register your Child from Mainstream School (i.e. Primary school, Secondary School, Sixthform/College)

Deregistration Process:
1. Mainstream Schools: Send a deregistration letter to the headteacher.
2. Special Schools: Notify both the headteacher and the local authority.
3. Scotland: Request permission from the local authority.
4. Northern Ireland: Similar to England and Wales.

Example Letter:

Headteacher’s Name

Dear [Headteacher’s Name],

I wish to withdraw [child’s name] from school to home educate.

Please remove [child’s name] from the admissions register under Regulation 8(1)(d) of the Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 2006.

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]

Understanding Compulsory School Age

Children reach compulsory school age the term after their 5th birthday. But this can get a bit technical due to how birthdays and the UK academic year align with each other…

• if your child turns 5 years old between 1st January and 31st March, they will be of compulsory school age after 1st April

• if your child turns 5 years old between 1st April and 31st August, they will be of compulsory school age after 1st September.

• if your child turns 5 years old between 1st September and 31st December, they will be of compulsory school age after 1st January.

A child remains of compulsory school age until the last Friday in June in the school year that they turn 16 years old.

Home schooling is Legal so know your Rights!

As a parent you are allowed to teach or facilitate the teaching of your child at home at any time, without consent from the school or local authority. However, this is only the case if your child is not subject to a School Attendance Order.

Additionally, your rights as a parent wanting to home-educate / homeschool changes if your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). If the local authority has arranged for your child to be attending a special school as part of their EHCP, you must seek permission from the local authority to withdraw your child from the school register.

Conclusion – is Home schooling allowed in the UK?

Home schooling is legal in the UK and a flexible option for providing full-time education tailored to your child’s needs. Ensure you follow the correct procedures and stay informed about your rights and responsibilities.

For further details and resources, explore ourcomprehensive guide on home education.